Friday 31 May 2013

Quotes from episode 3 of “小子当家” (I'm in charge)

“小子当家” is a new drama serial currently airing on channel 8, at 9 pm from from Mondays to Fridays. 

The main character, Wang Jiahao, was a teenage boy who had lost interest in his studies long time ago.  He had engaged in fights and was expelled from government schools.  His mother finally managed to enrol him in a private school but the school fees were very high.

In episode 3, Wang Jiahao's mum was hospitalised and Jiahao wanted to quit school. He went to the principal's office and saw a new principal.  The new principal had an interesting name called Niu Pigu (牛霹辜) which sounds a bit like 扭屁股 (shake - your - bum). Mr Niu immediately knew who Jiahao was. He said Jiahao was one of those students blacklisted by the previous principal. 

This was what Mr Niu said to Jiahao:

“在我牛霹辜眼里,是没有烂学生,黑学生的。所以我的治校理念是一个都不能少。... 你们都是有潜能的,是一颗未经打磨的钻石。这包括你,王家豪.”

Which was translated as:

To me, no student is bad or rotten.  My philosophy as a principal is, never leave anyone out. ...  All of you have potential. You're an uncut diamond and that includes you, Wang Jiahao."

After hearing the principal's words, Jiahao changed his mind and did not even bring up the issue of quitting school.

Wow, using diamonds as an analogy. That was a good one.  All of us know that diamonds, when cut correctly, will sparkle and is much more valuable.  Similarly, when a person's potential is developed, he or she too can sparkle and can command better remuneration.

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