This is a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle that I bought a few years ago, long before Sera was born. I just didn't get down to doing it. As time passed, I forgot about it.
Last week, as we were clearing a study table to make way for a new one for Sera, we found this in one of the shelves of the study table.
Lynn was sick last weekend, so we were stuck at home. So, I thought I should get Sera to do this jigsaw puzzle with me so that she would not be bored. She helped me sort out the pieces according to the colours and after that, she got bored and went on to play her toys and watch cartoons. So, I went on to complete this puzzle myself. It took me a few days to complete this. On certain days, I was just too tired to piece the puzzle. In the end, I took almost a week to complete this.
Now, I am wondering what to do with this puzzle...