I was looking for the right material to make a leaflet and flyer box for our flat. It so happened that Lynn bought a box of Lego and the size of the box was just right for this.
I cut the sides of the box and punched two holes behind as shown in the picture below.
I typed some words, printed it landscape on a piece of A4 sized paper and pasted it on the front to the sides of the box.
Then, I used 2 fasteners bought from Daiso and tied the box to the gate of our flat. This type of fastener can be removed and re-fastened or re-adjusted.
This helped to reduce the mess created from pieces of leaflets and flyers that dropped to the floor. This also made it easier to open the main door as sometimes, those people placed the flyers/leaflets in weird positions that made it hard for us to open the door without first removing the leaflets. This was a problem when our hands were full of things.
Most of the flyer distributors were quite cooperative and put them inside this box. There were some who still placed the flyers and leaflets elsewhere, but those were in the minority. So now, we can take the leaflets out when our hands were free.